Top 10 Frameworks for Web Applications
A Web Application Framework, or simply “web framework,” is a software framework designed to support the development of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs. Frameworks are essentially libraries that help you develop your application faster and smarter!
With the number of web frameworks increasing significantly, we have compiled a list of the 10 best frameworks available online to help you pick the most suitable one for your web application.
1. Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is an extremely productive web application framework created by David Heinemeier Hansson. It allows developers to build applications at least ten times faster than using a typical Java framework. Rails includes everything needed to create a database-driven web application using the Model-View-Controller pattern.
• Language: Ruby
• Latest Version: Rails 5.0.0.beta2
• Features:
• Convention over configuration: minimizes the number of decisions developers need to make.
• Code simplicity: emphasizes using concise and readable code.
• Active Record: an ORM layer that simplifies database interactions.
• Built-in testing: supports unit and integration testing out of the box.
• Framework Link: Ruby on Rails
• GitHub Link: Rails on GitHub
• Websites using Ruby on Rails: GroupOn, UrbanDictionary, AirBnb, Shopify, GitHub
2. Django
Django is a high-level Python framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It was created to meet fast-moving newsroom deadlines and the stringent requirements of experienced web developers. Django applications are known for being fast, secure, scalable, and versatile.
• Language: Python
• Latest Version: Django 1.9.2
• Features:
• Batteries-included: comes with many built-in features like authentication, ORM, and an admin panel.
• Security: includes protection against many common attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and cross-site request forgery.
• Scalability: designed to handle high-traffic sites.
• Versatility: suitable for both simple and complex web applications.
• Framework Link: Django
• GitHub Link: Django on GitHub
• Websites using Django: Disqus, Pinterest, Instagram, Quora
3. Angular
Angular, developed by Google, is a framework for building powerful web applications. It is designed for developing large-scale, high-performance web applications that are easy to maintain. Angular is used by many notable web applications.
• Language: JavaScript
• Latest Version: Angular 7.1.5
• Features:
• Two-way data binding: automatically synchronizes data between the model and the view.
• Dependency injection: improves code maintainability and testability.
• Component-based architecture: facilitates the development of modular applications.
• Directives: extend HTML with custom attributes and elements.
• Framework Link: Angular
• GitHub Link: Angular on GitHub
• Websites using Angular: YouTube on PS3, Weather, Netflix
ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft, is a framework for building robust web applications for both PC and mobile devices. It is known for its high performance and lightweight nature, making it a powerful tool for web application development.
• Language: C#
• Latest Version: ASP.NET 5 (ASP.NET Core 1.0)
• Features:
• Cross-platform: runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
• High performance: designed for high-performance applications.
• Asynchronous programming: supports async/await for building scalable applications.
• Integrated development environment: integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio.
• Framework Link: ASP.NET
• Websites using ASP.NET: GettyImages, TacoBell, StackOverflow
Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript framework for building web and mobile applications. It offers a radically simpler way to build real-time applications, allowing for rapid prototyping and cross-platform code.
• Language: JavaScript
• Latest Version: Meteor 1.2.1
• Features:
• Real-time by default: updates the UI automatically when data changes.
• Isomorphic code: same code runs on the server and the client.
• Integrated with MongoDB: uses MongoDB for data storage.
• Extensive packages: access to thousands of packages via Atmosphere.
• Framework Link: Meteor
• GitHub Link: Meteor on GitHub
• Websites using Meteor: HaggleMate, WishPool, Telescope
6. Laravel
Laravel is a PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell in 2011. It follows the MVC architectural pattern and is known for its elegance, simplicity, and readability. Laravel has a rich ecosystem with extensive documentation and tutorials available on Laracasts.
• Language: PHP
• Latest Version: Laravel 5.2
• Features:
• Eloquent ORM: simple and elegant ActiveRecord implementation.
• Blade templating: powerful and easy-to-use templating engine.
• Artisan CLI: command-line tool for automating tasks.
• Laravel Mix: simplifies asset compilation with Webpack.
• Framework Link: Laravel
• GitHub Link: Laravel on GitHub
• Websites using Laravel: Deltanet Travel, Neighbourhood Lender
7. Express
Express, or Express.js, is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. It is part of the MEAN stack and facilitates rapid development.
• Language: JavaScript
• Features:
• Minimalist: unopinionated framework with minimal features.
• Middleware support: easily add additional functionality.
• Robust routing: powerful URL routing for defining application endpoints.
• Asynchronous: built on Node.js, supports asynchronous programming.
• Framework Link: Express
• GitHub Link: Express on GitHub
• Websites using Express: Storify, Myspace, LearnBoost
8. Spring
Spring, developed by Pivotal Software, is a popular framework for enterprise Java development. It is used by many developers around the world to create high-performance, robust web applications.
• Language: Java
• Latest Version: Spring 4.3.0
• Features:
• Dependency injection: promotes loose coupling through dependency injection.
• Aspect-oriented programming: supports separation of cross-cutting concerns.
• Spring Boot: simplifies the setup and development of new Spring applications.
• Extensive ecosystem: includes Spring Security, Spring Data, and Spring Cloud.
• Framework Link: Spring
• GitHub Link: Spring on GitHub
• Websites using Spring: Mascus, Allocine
9. Play
Play is a modern web application framework written in Java and Scala. It follows the MVC architecture and emphasizes developer productivity with features like convention over configuration, hot code reloading, and browser error display.
• Language: Scala and Java
• Latest Version: Play 2.4.6
• Features:
• Hot code reloading: see changes immediately without restarting the server.
• Built-in testing: includes tools for unit and functional testing.
• Non-blocking I/O: designed for building reactive applications.
• RESTful by default: built with REST principles in mind.
• Framework Link: Play
• GitHub Link: Play on GitHub
• Websites using Play: LinkedIn, Coursera, LendUp
10. CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter, developed by EllisLab, is a lightweight PHP framework for building dynamic websites. It is known for its exceptional performance, minimal configuration, and absence of large-scale monolithic libraries.
• Language: PHP
• Latest Version: CodeIgniter 3.0.4
• Features:
• Lightweight: small footprint, fast performance.
• Simple setup: minimal configuration required to get started.
• Flexibility: loosely based on MVC, models and views are optional.
• Built-in libraries: includes libraries for common tasks like form validation and session management.
• Framework Link: CodeIgniter
• GitHub Link: CodeIgniter on GitHub
• Websites using CodeIgniter: Bufferapp, The Mail and Guardian
Apart from these 10 frameworks, others like Symfony, Ember.js, Sails.js, and React.js are also worth mentioning.
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