Vishwakarma Puja 2024: Shubh Muhurat, Puja Mantra, Aarti, Rituals, and Significance
Vishwakarma Puja, also known as Vishwakarma Jayanti, is a significant festival dedicated to Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect and engineer of the universe. In 2024, Vishwakarma Puja will be celebrated on September 16, a day that coincides with Kanya Sankranti, also known as Bhadra Sankranti in the Bengali calendar. This day is particularly revered by craftsmen, engineers, architects, and workers who offer prayers to their tools and machines, seeking blessings for success and prosperity.
Vishwakarma Puja 2024: Date and Shubh Muhurat
Puja Date: September 16, 2024
- Puja Time (Shubh Muhurat): 07:53 PM onwards
Significance of Vishwakarma Puja
Vishwakarma Puja marks the birth anniversary of Lord Vishwakarma, who is considered the divine architect of the universe. According to Hindu mythology, he is credited with designing the holy city of Dwarka for Lord Krishna, as well as creating powerful weapons like Lord Shiva's Trishul and Indra’s Vajra. This festival is particularly important for professionals working in the fields of construction, manufacturing, and design.
Devotees worship Lord Vishwakarma for his creative prowess and seek his blessings for success, innovation, and growth in their respective trades. On this day, tools, machinery, and other instruments are venerated as symbols of livelihood, with many workers refraining from using their tools out of respect for the deity.
Vishwakarma Puja Rituals
- Holy Bath: Devotees start the day with a sacred bath to cleanse themselves before performing rituals.
- Workplace Rituals: Many workers visit their workplaces (factories, offices, or workshops) to offer prayers, even if it is a holiday.
- Worship of Tools and Machines: Tools, machines, and other instruments are adorned with flowers, akshat (unbroken rice), and lit oil lamps made with desi ghee.
- Offering to Lord Vishwakarma: Sweets and other offerings are made to seek blessings for prosperity and success in one’s profession.
- Chanting Mantras: Devotees recite mantras and aarti dedicated to Lord Vishwakarma during the rituals.
Vishwakarma Puja Mantras
Om Vishwakarmaya Namah
- Om Nityakarmaya Namah
- Om Arjun Sakhaya Namah
- Om Vishwakarmaya Namostute
Vishwakarma Aarti
विश्वकर्मा जी की आरती
जय विश्वकर्मा, जय जय विश्वकर्मा।
शुभ कारी, जय शुभ कारी।।
सृष्टि के कर्ता, जग के विधाता।
सकल कला में, श्रेष्ठ दिखाता।।
जय विश्वकर्मा, जय जय विश्वकर्मा।
शुभ कारी, जय शुभ कारी।।
सर्व प्रथम नित्य तुमको ध्यायें।
सिद्ध कारी हरि को नमन करें।।
जय विश्वकर्मा, जय जय विश्वकर्मा।
शुभ कारी, जय शुभ कारी।।
रचना हो तुम परम पुनीता।
तुमसे सुंदरता यह सृष्टि बनी।।
जय विश्वकर्मा, जय जय विश्वकर्मा।
शुभ कारी, जय शुभ कारी।।
हे सृष्टिकर्ता, दीन दयाला।
हम सब पर करना कृपा निराला।।
जय विश्वकर्मा, जय जय विश्वकर्मा।
शुभ कारी, जय शुभ कारी।।
Vishwakarma Puja is an occasion of great reverence for those who rely on their craftsmanship, creativity, and innovation. The festival serves as a reminder of the divine blessings required for success in various trades and professions, and the rituals performed on this day are believed to bring prosperity and progress.
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