Art of Inner Engineering with Ramadhan & EID
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Scripted by Dr. Srividhya Sukumar

"It’s time to look into oneself."
In essence, the holy month of Ramadan is a celebration of the Quran's revelation, described as a "Guide and Mercy for those who do good." (31:3 Holy Quran).
The holy month of Ramadhan is a month of abstinence from worldly pleasures, the defiance of desires, and the month of pure intentions. This month was blessed to purify our hearts from the blackness of sins that we have inflicted upon them.
The Ramadhan month is a personification of God's mercy, where we look into ourselves, repent for our sins, review our pathways to reflect upon them, and renew as we refresh our life with new revelations. Ramadan celebrates God's mercy, which leads the subjects towards the path of good and virtue and protects the human soul from evil and vice.
This is a process of self-revelation and walking through the inner self until the spirit of conscience and soulful presence is felt and uprooted. Thus, it is a glorified art of internal engineering to enlighten our paths and ideals with the noblest.
During this month, the subjects show gratitude to God by abstaining from all vices. This "Path to Good" awakens their inner conscience and develops a deep awareness of God's presence and the path of righteousness in life. This feeling of God's presence leads the soul to follow the path of righteousness and do the right, even in the most challenging situations.
When the soul enters a station of gratitude and submission to God, a state of self-realization surfaces and makes the subjects understand that life has been a gift given by God that is to be used for reflecting God's mercy, compassion, love, generosity, and blessing, that will deliver only "Good" to the community.
By surrendering oneself to God through this serene connection, one can teach the soul the process of self-restraint and self-control from the dominant evils such as ego, craving for power and fame, craving for being influential, pride, anger, revenge, lying, stealing, cheating and sexual immorality and so on.
Humility and resilience are essential qualities that this divine connection and revelation seek to develop within an individual. The act of fasting provides the fortunate, wealthy members of society to experience the pain and suffering that millions of people go through every day without food, water, and other necessities. Fasting bridges the gap between rich and poor, sustained, and impoverished, fulfilled, and needy. The serene experience of being in the state of the art of equality, inclusion and tolerance among all subjects inspires compassion and mercy, manifested by the generosity of wealth and time to help those in need.
In a nutshell, even though the real purpose of the dynamic institution of Ramadhan is to discipline our soul and moral behaviors and to develop sympathy for the less fortunate, it is a multi-functional and comprehensive tool of change in various spheres of our lives, including social and economic, intellectual, and humanitarian, spiritual, and physical, private and public, personal and shared, inner and outer -all in one!
With all the quintessence of goodness shared and imbibed, the rejuvenated subjects become an embodiment of refined and enlightened and get ready to welcome the anew as the new year dawns with the coming of EID, thereby serving their society and community gracefully.
HYDRICH - ALKALINE WATER IONIZERS, www.hydrich.in with ESG–Environmental Sustainability Governance www.esgpms.com

"Wishing everyone a Happy EID-AL-FITR “EID MUBARAK”
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